Income considered to calculate the premium*
Your gross monthly income is considered when calculating the premium. However, there are the following minimum and maximum limits.
Minimum income: 1178.33 €
Maximum income: 5175 €
Income considered for students: 855 €
General contributions (Krankenversicherung)*: It’s set by the government and is the same for everyone and every public insurance company.
It’s 14.6% of the income considered.
It’s 10.22% of income considered for students.
Additional contribution (Zusatzbeitrag)*: It’s set independently by each public health insurance provider. The Germany-wide average is 1.7%.
Long-term nursing care contribution (Pflegeversicherung)*: The government sets it, and it varies from 2.4% to 4% depending on your age and number of children.
*as of 13 Aug. 2024